Sunday, October 25, 2015

Land is formed

Land for is formed for my "Laurium and Lake Linden" railroad. This photo shows the underside of the module, which I am trying to build as light as possible since it will eventually be mounted to the office wall with shelf brackets.

I plan on elevating the terrain behind the dock with 1" foam - and again behind the smelter and track. Since this is an end module for a round the room bookshelf "empire," I figured the corner radius needed to be beefy. (I use the term empire very loosely, as the entire layout will only 30 feet in length - most of it single track on 12" to 16" deep modules! I couldn't resist dragging out the waterline hull of the freighter kit I purchased to tie up at the dock to be loaded with copper, and put it on deck to give some sense of size. 

Back to the drawing board - After mulling things over while trying to get to sleep last night, it dawned on me that I should have radiused the other front corner on the module (shown in the circle.) I had planned on continuing the dock and water for a short distance onto the adjoining module when I get to it, but realized that it would not create the best situation to try to get a smooth water surface across two modules. So this evening, I head back out to the shop to reconfigure that corner. The oscillating multi-tool should render the task fairly simple.

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